The N8 and My review?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The N8’s Meaning for life - Multimedia


If you are looking at the N8 , this is probably what's going to be the decider for you. The big M of multimedia is what Nokia's N-Series is all about. From the days of the Nokia N80 , N95 , N96 and N97 the main focus has been on making multimedia Power houses using High quality cameras , screens and storage .Personally I think that Nokia lost this in the N97 where the camera though great in perfect conditions was plagued by hardware problems ( Scratched camera lens, flash flare issues etc), The music player was so slow that made listening to music a nuisance and its video playing capabilities were virtually none existent . So there was plenty of catching up and room for improvement over the N97. Lets see if Nokia has done it with the N8 starting with the best feature on the N8...The (Brilliant)Camera.

The N8 camera

This is without any competition the best part of the Nokia N8. The N8 is built with an incredible 12 Megapixel Unit with Carl Zeiss Optics. This isn't by any means the first 12MegaPixel camera we've seen on a phone with the Symbian operated Sony Ericson also using a 12MegaPixel camera.

It isn't the N8's Xenon Flash that makes it the best either and in fact the N8's flash is 30% smaller than what Nokia used on the Nokia N82 in 2007 though Nokia does claim that the Flash on the N8 has a better range than that of the N82. So what is it then ?
I'm No camera Expert ,but apparently the difference is in the size of the camera sensor coming in at 1/1.83" This is supposed to be larger than what is built into some of the smaller digital camera's you may buy :)
So what difference does it make? The Camera sensor is what pulls in the light and so more light being pulled in is supposed to give you a better picture .But what else does it do? In the past mobile cameras have relied alot on image processing to clear up pictures and make us users Happy but this processing takes away the realness of the pictures making them look almost un-natural. While no mobile company has decided to do something about this Nokia has by increasing the sensor size and combining it with the large number of pixels to give us what many have called the best Camera on a phone ever seen. So this means me can expect more realistic pictures and more detail in lower light pictures. The N8 definitely has the Camera hardware then, so what about the camera App, Nokia hasn't changed much here with the only obvious difference at first view being moving the on screen capture button to bottom of the screen..below is a screen shot of the options available to you which are handy without being too technical..

Normal View

So that's the interface.. now for the best part..the Actual pictures . I've tried to use as many combinations as possible with some comparisons to other phones..

N97 Low Light
N8 Low light

Nokia N97
Nokia N8 Low Light

N8 and N97 below.




A can be seen from the pictures the N8 is definitely the closest you going to get to a phone and digital camera in one..but that's still pictures what about video? The N8 offers 720p HD at 25fps video recording with a dedicated mic too . While these specs are great but not beyond the competition, that said again due to the great sensor Nokia has included the videos are the best compared to any phone video I've seen and can definitely stick up to some small camcorders and blogger video camera's.. Here are samples of the HD video and some useful videos comparing the N8 HD capture to competitors..They aren't Mine due to my slow upload speed..

Nokia N8 HD Video Samples - The Definitive Mix

Nokia N8: HD video sample (Kauai)

Helsinki HookUp 2010 (Nokia N8 HD video sample)

Nokia N8 Sample video : Rihanna Concert

And last but not least ..The Commuter . A mini Movie shot with the N8


Not to be left out is the neglected Front facing VGA camera which is clearer than all the other front facing camera's I've had and will make for some great Video calling.. Some samples:

The tool every N8 owner needs..Head over to Symbian Tweet for more on this :)

We've seem that the N8 has great image and video capture...but what then ? What can you do with your pictures and Videos directly from your phone?

Photo Editor

Many of you may not know but Nokia has always had a Photo Editor hidden some where into the photo browser where most people wont see or use it. And while it was nothing special and sometimes boring that isn't true on the N8 . Nokia have moved the Photo Editor out into the menu where you will notice it more and luckily they did because it provided me with hours of laughter. The entire Application hasn't been changed but they have redone the look and interface so that its easier to use and have added new features that are the major draw Point of the editor. As you can see in the snap shot most of the normal stuff is there , But I love what they've added and that is "Fun" what is fun? Fun is a way to take not only faces but any object in your photo and stretch , squash ,flatten and twist it! The images made by this are HILARIOUS and definitely something you have got to try out.Nokia also added variety in the clipart ,frames and some animated clipart too, all making for a Superb and FUNny photo editor.

The editor menu






Colour effects..


Photo Browser

The photo browser that Nokia supplies with the N8 is just plain boring. Oh it works but is isn't going to suit the N8's and my personality. So being a Nokia user I know that there is a more exciting alternative from Nokia called simply Nokia Photo Browser from Nokia Beta Labs. It May be a beta but it is BEeeauutifull and will add some Spice to the N8 here's how it looks...
  Here's a video from Nokia Beta Labs showing how it works..

Video Editor

This is something new to the N8 and with the N8s video capability its also something that could come in handy to make your memories even more Special and ever lasting..

The video editor is an absolute pleasure to work with and has some really great things that I never expected to see and that were quite cool to be honest :) The editor greets you asking if you want to edit videos or make a "Stylish" ( I kid you not, Nokia used the word Stylish!! ) Slideshow of your pictures Next you choose your pictures, and then one of the 10 "styles " from Blackboard to Sunshine click play and watch WOW you with the way it presents your pictures ! This is seriously great stuff :D

Ok ok so onto the Video editing..The Video editor it self simply lets you cut and move your video, adding music, text banners and images with transition effects inbetween. Nokia were thinking the right way when they included this app and for a phone that's supposed to be a multimedia power house it suites it perfectly. What's more its free! Another thing is that its so easy and QUICK to use , I'm used to video editing being boring and complicated but with this app I figured it out within minutes ! I hope that I still have the N8 this Christmas so that I can capture some memories and save them "N8 Style"!


Sharing Videos and Photo's

I honestly Don't know why but there seems to be no way to upload a picture to any Social site or Picture site directly after the Video or picture is taken , sure if you want to upload a picture you can do it through Nokia Social but what happened that "Share Online" option Nokia had in previous devices? Though the Share Online option was limited but With Pixel Pipe from OVI store I had a very easy way to upload my Pictures and video's to Facebook. I hope Nokia somehow corrects this in updates, No use having such a great way to make memories then be limited in how you share them!
UPDATE: I managed to get hold of the New Social Application V1.2 which brings the ability to share photo's and video's from  anywhere in the phone ,ofcoarse the downside is that its only to facebook and twitter. I'm still Glad to see Nokia fixed this :)


So that's The camera and editing but Multimedia can't stop there? There's something we all do ..whether its to relax, a general change in mood or for sheer pleasure...still don't know? We ALL listen to MUSIC!

Here's how the N8 handles the simple yet important Task..

Music playback

Sure the N8 isn't one of Nokia's express Music phones but N-Series phones are known for being all rounders and when I saw the Unlimited Downloads from OVI Music on the box I could only smile...

So the Music player it self.. Nokia's music players in the past have had few problems with the main draw backs being that they slowed down as your library filled up and they were boring, My N97 doesn't even have the visualisations that my N95 had! So did Nokia fix it ?

Obviously as with everywhere with the N8 the speed issue was addressed, the library now loads quick and scrolls quick when accessed. Nokia also changed alot about the way music is found.. and sure enough this is where you should get excited "CoverFlow" is what Nokia have put in and it is AWESOME, now you can browse your music by swyping through album art while you watch the reflection of the album art swipe away.. and its done well too ! Whether you're in portrait or landscape it still works , and if you prefer finding your music the old way its still there too. The actual player remains pretty Much unchanged though and with the N8 having a 3D processor I would have loved to have seen some visualisations but who knows maybe in a future update? ( Hint Hint Nokia ) :) The one thing that Nokia took away that I need back is customisable presets. It may be a small feature that not many use but as part of the few who do I defiantly miss it!

Normal album View



Portrait Player


The N8 also has a FM Radio which I hardly use normally but with the N8 the great reception and sound quality got me.. The way the Radio works hasn't changed much but the general Quality has. Nokia also included what was missing from the Music player , a visualisation! Its nothing too fancy, but being a student I love eye candy and this gives me what I want again – Thank You Nokia :)

That brings us to the FM Transmitter. This is something I use often because as I move between cars alot it's hard to keep a USB stick or have the Radio that can use it. My N97 also has this feature but don't even try to compare the two. Where the N97 had plenty of interference and a really weak signal the N8 has a very strong Signal and hardly any interference. Once you hear the quality you'll actually be tempted to use it more than usual, I tested it in s Lexus IS250 with the 14 speaker Mark Levinson sound system and the results were incredible. Gone is the extra bass and hum the N97 had and in with the almost USB quality! The Transmitter access is also well placed in Music menu's just where you expect and need it !

Add caption

So that leaves me with OVI Music, like I said earlier I was happy to see the unlimited downloads that the N8 came with and I was eager to test it out!Its pretty much just a web interface but it allows you to find the music you want with ease :)

The Video Player


One thing that Nokia's Video players have always lacked is the right Codec's and playback formats. That meant I had to spend HOURS converting movies to my N97 only to have the movie quality crap. Thankfully they've seen that a multimedia phone should be able to play almost any movie you throw at it. While I Don't know if the N8 can play anything I know it played most of what I Tried and that's good enough for me :) The video playing interface is and was never anything flashy but that never bothered me in the slightest. If you really want to try something else Smartmovie from LCG and Coreplayer are options .

Video Player is Simple but Functional..
Video Menu,Nice to see Youtube integration..


Anybody who says the N8 isn't an absolute Multimedia powerhouse is crazy, In my opinion it has got to be the best phone with combined out of the box Multimedia features . That said , I can't wait for the third party apps to come out and show us what the N8 is capable of !

For students/Business users /Tech users : This is for everyone you WILL use at least one of these features some how and what there's no way you won't appreciate the way the phone works!

Note: The N8 is also the first Mobile device to feature Dolby Digital Plus so you get the full surround Experience! I repeat.. MULTIMEDIA POWERHOUSE!

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